Top 10 truffle uses for the everyday gourmet

White spring truffle prawn pizza bianco

Elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary with fresh truffle.

As truffle farmers, we are often asked what our go-to truffle dishes are. And the answer is simple: Anything and everything!

We are not chefs or professional cooks but we do love good food and particularly enjoy experimenting with new flavours and different ingredients come truffle season. If you are looking for a fool-proof truffle dish that will let the truffle shine and please your tastebuds, here are a few of our favourites:

1. Truffle butter: Truffle butter is made by blending fresh, microplaned truffle with good quality butter. It is a great addition to mashed potatoes, grilled meats, and vegetables. But we can’t go past a fresh, crusty white baguette slathered with fresh truffle butter, delish! Give our Truffle Butter recipe a try and let us know what you think!

2. Truffle cheese: Truffle cheese is made by layering creamy soft cheese with generous slices of truffle. It is a great addition to charcuterie boards, sandwiches, and pasta dishes. Give our Truffle Cheese recipe a go!

3. Truffle risotto: Truffle risotto is a classic Italian dish made with Arborio rice, chicken broth, parmesan cheese, and lashings of fresh truffle. It is a luxurious dish that is perfect for winter nights or special occasions.

4. Truffle pasta: Truffle pasta is a simple yet elegant dish made with fresh pasta, butter, parmesan cheese, and fresh truffle. It is a great way to showcase the flavour of truffles.

5. Truffle scrambled eggs: Taking the simple to the extraordinary. Truffle scrambled eggs are a decadent breakfast dish made by whisking eggs with cream and butter, and finishing in the pan with slices of fresh truffle. It is a great way to start your day off with a touch of luxury.

6. Truffle pizza: Adding truffle to any pizza is a good thing, particularly pizzas with simple ingredients like good cheeses, fresh mushrooms or seafood. Think black truffle, mozzarella and wild mushroom pizza, or prawn bianco pizza with bianchetto truffle. What better way to elevate your pizza game.

7. Truffle mashed potatoes: Truffle mashed potatoes are a delicious side dish made by blending potatoes with butter, cream, a little cheese if you’re game, and finishing with finely sliced or shaved truffle or natural truffle oil. A great addition to any winter meal.

8. Truffle soup: Truffle soup is a rich and flavourful soup made with chicken broth, cream, fresh truffle or truffle oil. It is a great, simple but decadent starter for a fancy dinner party.

9. Truffle roasted vegetables: Truffle roasted vegetables are a simple and delicious side dish made by tossing vegetables with truffle-infused butter and roasting in the oven. It is a great way to add some luxury to your everyday meals. 

10. Truffle popcorn: Movie night vibes just hit the next level. Truffle popcorn is a delicious snack made by drizzling popcorn with truffle oil and sprinkling with truffle salt.


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