Storing fresh truffles

Storing fresh truffle cloche rice

Storing fresh truffles

The shelf life of fresh truffle can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of truffle, its ripeness, and how it's stored. Generally speaking, fresh truffles should be consumed as soon as possible after harvest to enjoy their full flavour and aroma.

Truffles have a high water content, which is why they are best stored in a cool, dry place to prevent them from becoming soft and mushy. When truffles are harvested, they are usually covered in dirt and soil, which can also contain moisture. After they are cleaned and brushed, the truffles may still retain some moisture on their surface, which can lead to spoilage or decay if not properly stored. 

Respiration is a natural process that occurs in living organisms, including fungi like truffles, and involves the exchange of gases between the organism and its environment. During respiration, truffles consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide and other byproducts. After truffles are harvested, they continue to consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide and other gases as part of the respiration process. This can cause the truffles to lose moisture and flavour over time, and even more quickly if they are not stored properly.

To help slow down the respiration process and preserve the quality of the truffles, it is important to store them in a cool, dry place and to use them as soon as possible after purchase or harvest. By wrapping the truffles in a paper towel before storing in the refrigerator, the excess moisture is absorbed, which helps to keep the truffles dry and fresh for longer. It is important to change the paper towel regularly (i.e. daily) to prevent the growth of bacteria or mould.

Under optimal storage conditions, fresh truffles can last for up to a week or two at best. It is, however, best to use fresh truffles as soon as possible after purchase or harvest to ensure the best possible flavour and quality.

Fresh truffles can be frozen, but it is not recommended as it can affect their flavour and aroma. Freezing also causes the truffles to become soft and mushy when they thaw, which can impact their texture and taste. Additionally, truffles are best enjoyed when they are fresh and at their peak, so freezing them may not be the best option.

Enjoy your truffles fresh while the season lasts!


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